Child & Family
Clinical &
& Neurobiology

Schools Offering Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degrees

In 2024, we ranked 40 schools awarding child and family psychology bachelor's degrees.

The best child and family psychology bachelor's degree program in the United States is offered by Vanderbilt University. That school offers an excellent child and family psychology bachelor's degree program - five-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

Check the top schools offering child and family psychology bachelor's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Child & family psychology bachelor's degree schools:

Vanderbilt University - Psychology School Ranking
1. Vanderbilt University

Located in Nashville, Tennessee

University of California San Diego - Psychology School Ranking
2. University of California San Diego

Located in La Jolla, California

University of Maryland College Park - Psychology School Ranking
3. University of Maryland College Park

Located in College Park, Maryland

Texas Christian University - Psychology School Ranking
4. Texas Christian University

Located in Fort Worth, Texas

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Psychology School Ranking
5. University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Cincinnati - Psychology School Ranking
6. University of Cincinnati

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio

University of Kansas - Psychology School Ranking
7. University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence, Kansas

The University of Texas at Dallas - Psychology School Ranking
8. The University of Texas

Located in Richardson, Texas

Lesley University - Psychology School Ranking
9. Lesley University

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts

University of Nevada Las Vegas - Psychology School Ranking
10. University of Nevada Las Vegas

Located in Las Vegas, Nevada

Metropolitan State University - Psychology School Ranking
11. Metropolitan State University

Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Saint Mary's College of California - Psychology School Ranking
12. Saint Mary's College of California

Located in Moraga, California

Western Washington University - Psychology School Ranking
13. Western Washington University

Located in Bellingham, Washington

Mount Saint Mary's University - Psychology School Ranking
14. Mount Saint Mary's University

Located in Los Angeles, California

Bay Path University - Psychology School Ranking
15. Bay Path University

Located in Longmeadow, Massachusetts

La Salle University - Psychology School Ranking
16. La Salle University

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern Washington University - Psychology School Ranking
17. Eastern Washington University

Located in Cheney, Washington

University of Detroit Mercy - Psychology School Ranking
18. University of Detroit Mercy

Located in Detroit, Michigan

Utica University - Psychology School Ranking
19. Utica University

Located in Utica, New York

Johnson University - Psychology School Ranking
20. Johnson University

Located in Knoxville, Tennessee

Cornerstone University - Psychology School Ranking
21. Cornerstone University

Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan

New England College - Psychology School Ranking
22. New England College

Located in Henniker, New Hampshire

University of the Southwest - Psychology School Ranking
23. University of the Southwest

Located in Hobbs, New Mexico

Metropolitan State University of Denver - Psychology School Ranking
Castleton University - Psychology School Ranking
25. Castleton University

Located in Castleton, Vermont

Bennington College - Psychology School Ranking
26. Bennington College

Located in Bennington, Vermont

Warner Pacific University - Psychology School Ranking
27. Warner Pacific University

Located in Portland, Oregon

Emmanuel College - Psychology School Ranking
28. Emmanuel College

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

Morningside University - Psychology School Ranking
29. Morningside University

Located in Sioux City, Iowa

Eckerd College - Psychology School Ranking
30. Eckerd College

Located in Saint Petersburg, Florida

East Texas Baptist University - Psychology School Ranking
31. East Texas Baptist University

Located in Marshall, Texas

McPherson College - Psychology School Ranking
32. McPherson College

Located in McPherson, Kansas

Savannah State University - Psychology School Ranking
33. Savannah State University

Located in Savannah, Georgia

Barclay College - Psychology School Ranking
34. Barclay College

Located in Haviland, Kansas

Hampshire College - Psychology School Ranking
35. Hampshire College

Located in Amherst, Massachusetts

Keuka College - Psychology School Ranking
36. Keuka College

Located in Keuka Park, New York

Maryville College - Psychology School Ranking
37. Maryville College

Located in Maryville, Tennessee

Eureka College - Psychology School Ranking
38. Eureka College

Located in Eureka, Illinois

Johnson University Florida - Psychology School Ranking
39. Johnson University Florida

Located in Kissimmee, Florida

Arizona Christian University - Psychology School Ranking
40. Arizona Christian University

Located in Glendale, Arizona

Child & family psychology bachelor's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Arizona3 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in California1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Colorado2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Florida1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Georgia1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Illinois1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Iowa3 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Kansas1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Maryland4 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Massachusetts2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Michigan2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Minnesota1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Nevada1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in New Hampshire1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in New Mexico2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in New York1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Ohio1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Oregon1 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Pennsylvania3 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Tennessee3 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Texas2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Vermont2 Child and Family Psychology Bachelor's Degree Schools in Washington

Other child & family psychology diplomas:

Certificates: 53 schools
Associate's Degrees: 3 schools
Master's Degrees: 168 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 52 schools

Other psychology bachelor's degrees:

General Psychology: 1,433 schools
Counseling Psychology: 101 schools
Clinical and Psychotherapy: 166 schools
Social Psychology: 122 schools
Educational Psychology: 86 schools
Pharmacology and Neurobiology: 26 schools
Forensic Psychology: 225 schools

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