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Clinical and Psychotherapy Associate's Degrees in Washington

Washington Clinical and Psychotherapy Associate's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 18 Washington schools granting clinical and psychotherapy associate's degrees, and Highline College is the best option.

Check the rest of Washington schools granting clinical and psychotherapy associate's degrees and psychology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other psychology major or diploma.

WA clinical & psychotherapy associate's degree schools:

Highline College - Psychology School Ranking
1. Highline College

Located in Des Moines

Clark College - Psychology School Ranking
2. Clark College

Located in Vancouver

Walla Walla Community College - Psychology School Ranking
3. Walla Walla Community College

Located in Walla Walla

Lake Washington Institute of Technology - Psychology School Ranking
Seattle Central College - Psychology School Ranking
5. Seattle Central College

Located in Seattle

Wenatchee Valley College - Psychology School Ranking
6. Wenatchee Valley College

Located in Wenatchee

Whatcom Community College - Psychology School Ranking
7. Whatcom Community College

Located in Bellingham

Edmonds College - Psychology School Ranking
8. Edmonds College

Located in Lynnwood

Grays Harbor College - Psychology School Ranking
9. Grays Harbor College

Located in Aberdeen

Spokane Falls Community College - Psychology School Ranking
Skagit Valley College - Psychology School Ranking
11. Skagit Valley College

Located in Mount Vernon

Clover Park Technical College - Psychology School Ranking
Yakima Valley College - Psychology School Ranking
13. Yakima Valley College

Located in Yakima

Olympic College - Psychology School Ranking
14. Olympic College

Located in Bremerton

Centralia College - Psychology School Ranking
15. Centralia College

Located in Centralia

Peninsula College - Psychology School Ranking
16. Peninsula College

Located in Port Angeles

Lower Columbia College - Psychology School Ranking
17. Lower Columbia College

Located in Longview

Northwest Indian College - Psychology School Ranking
18. Northwest Indian College

Located in Bellingham

Other psychology associate's degrees in WA:

General Psychology: 1 school
Social Psychology: 1 school

Other clinical & psychotherapy diplomas in WA:

Certificates: 17 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 4 schools
Master's Degrees: 9 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 3 schools

Washington psychology schools by city:

Aberdeen: 1 school
Bellevue: 1 school
Bellingham: 3 schools
Bothell: 1 school
Bremerton: 1 school
Centralia: 1 school
Cheney: 1 school
College Place: 1 school
Des Moines: 1 school
Ellensburg: 1 school
Kenmore: 1 school
Kirkland: 3 schools
Lacey: 1 school
Lakewood: 1 school
Longview: 1 school
Lynnwood: 1 school
Mount Vernon: 1 school
Port Angeles: 1 school
Pullman: 1 school
Seattle: 7 schools
Spokane: 4 schools
Tacoma: 4 schools
Toppenish: 1 school
Vancouver: 1 school
Walla Walla: 2 schools
Wenatchee: 1 school
Yakima: 1 school

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