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Clinical and Psychotherapy Doctoral Degrees in Minnesota

Minnesota Clinical and Psychotherapy Doctoral Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 3 Minnesota schools providing clinical and psychotherapy doctoral degrees, and Saint Cloud State University is the best option.

Check other Minnesota schools awarding clinical and psychotherapy doctoral degrees and psychology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other psychology major or diploma.

MN clinical & psychotherapy doctoral degree schools:

Saint Cloud State University - Psychology School Ranking
1. Saint Cloud State University

Located in Saint Cloud

Capella University - Psychology School Ranking
2. Capella University

Located in Minneapolis

Walden University - Psychology School Ranking
3. Walden University

Located in Minneapolis

Clinical & psychotherapy doctoral degrees in nearby states:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Psychology School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Madison

Located in Madison, Wisconsin

Marquette University - Psychology School Ranking
Marquette University

Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

University of Iowa - Psychology School Ranking
University of Iowa

Located in Iowa City, Iowa

University of North Dakota - Psychology School Ranking
University of North Dakota

Located in Grand Forks, North Dakota

Viterbo University - Psychology School Ranking
Viterbo University

Located in La Crosse, Wisconsin

Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology - Psychology School Ranking
Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology

Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

MN psychology schools offering other doctoral degrees:

University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Psychology School Ranking
University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Located in Minneapolis, 5 doctoral programs

University of St Thomas - Psychology School Ranking
University of St Thomas

Located in Saint Paul, 1 doctoral program

Minnesota State University Mankato - Psychology School Ranking
Minnesota State University Mankato

Located in Mankato, 2 doctoral programs

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Psychology School Ranking
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Located in Winona, 1 doctoral program

Other psychology doctoral degrees in MN:

General Psychology: 3 schools
Child and Family Psychology: 3 schools
Counseling Psychology: 4 schools
Social Psychology: 2 schools
Educational Psychology: 3 schools
Forensic Psychology: 1 school

Other clinical & psychotherapy diplomas in MN:

Certificates: 14 schools
Associate's Degrees: 5 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 8 schools
Master's Degrees: 12 schools

Minnesota psychology schools by city:

Bemidji: 2 schools
Center City: 1 school
Collegeville: 1 school
Coon Rapids: 1 school
Crookston: 1 school
Duluth: 2 schools
Hibbing: 1 school
Mankato: 2 schools
Marshall: 1 school
Minneapolis: 6 schools
Minnetonka: 1 school
Moorhead: 2 schools
Morris: 1 school
Northfield: 2 schools
Red Lake: 1 school
Rochester: 1 school
Saint Bonifacius: 1 school
Saint Cloud: 1 school
Saint Joseph: 1 school
Saint Paul: 8 schools
Saint Peter: 1 school
White Bear Lake: 1 school
Willmar: 1 school
Winona: 2 schools

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