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Psychology Bachelor's Degrees in North Carolina

North Carolina General Psychology Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 51 North Carolina schools providing general psychology bachelor's degrees, and Duke University is the best option.

Check other North Carolina schools awarding general psychology bachelor's degrees and psychology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other psychology major or diploma.

NC general psychology bachelor's degree schools:

Duke University - Psychology School Ranking
1. Duke University

Located in Durham

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Psychology School Ranking
2. University of North Carolina

Located in Chapel Hill

Wake Forest University - Psychology School Ranking
3. Wake Forest University

Located in Winston Salem

North Carolina State University at Raleigh - Psychology School Ranking
University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Psychology School Ranking
University of North Carolina Wilmington - Psychology School Ranking
Appalachian State University - Psychology School Ranking
University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Psychology School Ranking
8. University of North Carolina

Located in Greensboro

East Carolina University - Psychology School Ranking
9. East Carolina University

Located in Greenville

North Carolina A & T State University - Psychology School Ranking
Western Carolina University - Psychology School Ranking
North Carolina Central University - Psychology School Ranking
Elon University - Psychology School Ranking
13. Elon University

Located in Elon

Fayetteville State University - Psychology School Ranking
14. Fayetteville State University

Located in Fayetteville

University of North Carolina at Pembroke - Psychology School Ranking
Davidson College - Psychology School Ranking
16. Davidson College

Located in Davidson

High Point University - Psychology School Ranking
17. High Point University

Located in High Point

Campbell University - Psychology School Ranking
18. Campbell University

Located in Buies Creek

Lenoir Rhyne University - Psychology School Ranking
19. Lenoir Rhyne University

Located in Hickory

Winston Salem State University - Psychology School Ranking
20. Winston Salem State University

Located in Winston Salem

Gardner Webb University - Psychology School Ranking
21. Gardner Webb University

Located in Boiling Springs

Johnson C Smith University - Psychology School Ranking
22. Johnson C Smith University

Located in Charlotte

Elizabeth City State University - Psychology School Ranking
23. Elizabeth City State University

Located in Elizabeth City

Wingate University - Psychology School Ranking
24. Wingate University

Located in Wingate

Meredith College - Psychology School Ranking
25. Meredith College

Located in Raleigh

Queens University of Charlotte - Psychology School Ranking
University of North Carolina at Asheville - Psychology School Ranking
Lees McRae College - Psychology School Ranking
28. Lees McRae College

Located in Banner Elk

Catawba College - Psychology School Ranking
29. Catawba College

Located in Salisbury

Methodist University - Psychology School Ranking
30. Methodist University

Located in Fayetteville

Montreat College - Psychology School Ranking
31. Montreat College

Located in Montreat

Warren Wilson College - Psychology School Ranking
32. Warren Wilson College

Located in Swannanoa

Barton College - Psychology School Ranking
33. Barton College

Located in Wilson

Pfeiffer University - Psychology School Ranking
34. Pfeiffer University

Located in Misenheimer

Salem College - Psychology School Ranking
35. Salem College

Located in Winston Salem

University of Mount Olive - Psychology School Ranking
36. University of Mount Olive

Located in Mount Olive

Belmont Abbey College - Psychology School Ranking
37. Belmont Abbey College

Located in Belmont

Bennett College - Psychology School Ranking
38. Bennett College

Located in Greensboro

Brevard College - Psychology School Ranking
39. Brevard College

Located in Brevard

Johnson & Wales University Charlotte - Psychology School Ranking
North Carolina Wesleyan University - Psychology School Ranking
Guilford College - Psychology School Ranking
42. Guilford College

Located in Greensboro

William Peace University - Psychology School Ranking
Mars Hill University - Psychology School Ranking
44. Mars Hill University

Located in Mars Hill

Greensboro College - Psychology School Ranking
45. Greensboro College

Located in Greensboro

Saint Augustine's University - Psychology School Ranking
Chowan University - Psychology School Ranking
47. Chowan University

Located in Murfreesboro

Shaw University - Psychology School Ranking
48. Shaw University

Located in Raleigh

Livingstone College - Psychology School Ranking
49. Livingstone College

Located in Salisbury

Carolina University - Psychology School Ranking
50. Carolina University

Located in Winston Salem

St. Andrews University - Psychology School Ranking
51. St. Andrews University

Located in Laurinburg

Other psychology bachelor's degrees in NC:

Counseling Psychology: 4 schools
Clinical and Psychotherapy: 2 schools
Social Psychology: 3 schools
Forensic Psychology: 6 schools

Other general psychology diplomas in NC:

Certificates: 4 schools
Associate's Degrees: 2 schools
Master's Degrees: 12 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 7 schools

North Carolina psychology schools by city:

Ahoskie: 1 school
Albemarle: 1 school
Asheboro: 1 school
Asheville: 2 schools
Banner Elk: 1 school
Belmont: 1 school
Boiling Springs: 1 school
Boone: 1 school
Brevard: 1 school
Buies Creek: 1 school
Chapel Hill: 1 school
Charlotte: 5 schools
Clinton: 1 school
Cullowhee: 1 school
Dallas: 1 school
Davidson: 1 school
Durham: 2 schools
Elizabeth City: 3 schools
Elon: 1 school
Fayetteville: 2 schools
Flat Rock: 1 school
Goldsboro: 1 school
Grantsboro: 1 school
Greensboro: 5 schools
Greenville: 1 school
Hamlet: 1 school
Henderson: 1 school
Hickory: 1 school
High Point: 1 school
Hudson: 1 school
Jamestown: 1 school
Kinston: 1 school
Laurinburg: 1 school
Mars Hill: 1 school
Misenheimer: 1 school
Montreat: 1 school
Morehead City: 1 school
Morganton: 1 school
Mount Olive: 1 school
Murfreesboro: 1 school
Murphy: 1 school
Pembroke: 1 school
Polkton: 1 school
Raleigh: 6 schools
Rocky Mount: 2 schools
Roxboro: 1 school
Salisbury: 2 schools
Sanford: 1 school
Spindale: 1 school
Spruce Pine: 1 school
Statesville: 1 school
Swannanoa: 1 school
Sylva: 1 school
Tarboro: 1 school
Thomasville: 1 school
Troy: 1 school
Washington: 1 school
Weldon: 1 school
Wilkesboro: 1 school
Wilmington: 2 schools
Wilson: 1 school
Wingate: 1 school
Winston Salem: 5 schools
Winterville: 1 school

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