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Psychology Master's Degrees in Indiana

Indiana General Psychology Master's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 12 Indiana schools awarding general psychology master's degrees, and University of Notre Dame is the best option.

Check other Indiana schools granting psychology master's degrees and psychology colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other psychology major or diploma.

IN general psychology master's degree schools:

University of Notre Dame - Psychology School Ranking
1. University of Notre Dame

Located in Notre Dame

Purdue University - Psychology School Ranking
2. Purdue University

Located in West Lafayette

Indiana University Bloomington - Psychology School Ranking
3. Indiana University Bloomington

Located in Bloomington

Ball State University - Psychology School Ranking
4. Ball State University

Located in Muncie

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis - Psychology School Ranking
Indiana State University - Psychology School Ranking
6. Indiana State University

Located in Terre Haute

University of Indianapolis - Psychology School Ranking
7. University of Indianapolis

Located in Indianapolis

Huntington University - Psychology School Ranking
8. Huntington University

Located in Huntington

Indiana Institute of Technology - Psychology School Ranking
University of Saint Francis Fort Wayne - Psychology School Ranking
Calumet College of Saint Joseph - Psychology School Ranking
Purdue University Global - Psychology School Ranking
12. Purdue University Global

Located in West Lafayette

General psychology master's degrees in nearby states:

University of Chicago - Psychology School Ranking
University of Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Northwestern University - Psychology School Ranking
Northwestern University

Located in Evanston, Illinois

University of Michigan Ann Arbor - Psychology School Ranking
University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Case Western Reserve University - Psychology School Ranking
Case Western Reserve University

Located in Cleveland, Ohio

IN psychology schools offering other master's degrees:

Butler University - Psychology School Ranking
Butler University

Located in Indianapolis, 2 master's programs

Indiana University East - Psychology School Ranking
Indiana University East

Located in Richmond, 1 master's program

Valparaiso University - Psychology School Ranking
Valparaiso University

Located in Valparaiso, 2 master's programs

Christian Theological Seminary - Psychology School Ranking
Christian Theological Seminary

Located in Indianapolis, 2 master's programs

Other psychology master's degrees in IN:

Child and Family Psychology: 3 schools
Counseling Psychology: 21 schools
Clinical and Psychotherapy: 16 schools
Social Psychology: 3 schools
Educational Psychology: 7 schools
Forensic Psychology: 1 school

Other general psychology diplomas in IN:

Certificates: 2 schools
Associate's Degrees: 2 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 44 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 4 schools

Indiana psychology schools by city:

Anderson: 1 school
Angola: 2 schools
Bloomington: 1 school
Crawfordsville: 1 school
Evansville: 2 schools
Fort Wayne: 4 schools
Franklin: 1 school
Gary: 1 school
Goshen: 1 school
Greencastle: 1 school
Hammond: 1 school
Hanover: 1 school
Huntington: 1 school
Indianapolis: 7 schools
Kokomo: 1 school
Marion: 1 school
Mishawaka: 1 school
Muncie: 1 school
New Albany: 1 school
North Manchester: 1 school
Notre Dame: 3 schools
Oakland City: 1 school
Richmond: 2 schools
Saint Mary Of The Woods: 1 school
South Bend: 1 school
Terre Haute: 1 school
Upland: 1 school
Valparaiso: 1 school
Vincennes: 1 school
West Lafayette: 2 schools
Whiting: 1 school
Winona Lake: 1 school

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