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Maria College of Albany: Psychology Ranking 2024

Maria College of AlbanyRanked
in the USA
Maria College of Albany is a very small not-for-profit college offering a number of disciplines including the psychology major and located in Albany, New York. The college was founded in 1958 and is presently offering bachelor's degrees in General Psychology.

Maria College of Albany is reasonably priced - depending on the program, tuition cost varies around $18,000 a year. If you are seeking a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in New York listing.

It is reported that Maria College of Albany area is safe - the school is reported to have an excellent rating for personal safety.

Based on 67 evaluation factors, Maria College of Albany psychology program ranks #1,069 Psychology School (out of 2067; top 55%) in the United States and #91 Psychology School in New York. Major competing psychology colleges for this college are University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and Columbia University in the City of New York in New York City. See the details about all twelve competitors and list of offered psychology majors and minors below.

Psychology programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#91 Psychology School in New York
#283 Psychology School in the Northeast
#1,069 Psychology School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#86 General Psychology Program in New York

Regional Ranking

#270 General Psychology Program in the Northeast

National Ranking

#1,015 General Psychology Program in USA

More program rankings:

You might be interested in other options to enroll Maria College of Albany:
Medical Programs - ranked top 30% in USA
Occupational Therapy Programs - ranked top 40% in USA
Also, see how Maria College of Albany is ranking among graduate schools in New York.

Contact information:

Maria College of Albany
700 New Scotland Ave
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: (518) 438-3111

Location map:

Maria College of Albany Location Map

Psychology majors:

Bachelor's degree

General Psychology

Local competitors:

University of Pennsylvania - Psychology School Ranking
University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA, 24 psychology programs

Columbia University in the City of New York - Psychology School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

New York City, NY, 24 psychology programs

Harvard University - Psychology School Ranking
Harvard University

Cambridge, MA, 18 psychology programs

Yale University - Psychology School Ranking
Yale University

New Haven, CT, 7 psychology programs

Brown University - Psychology School Ranking
Brown University

Providence, RI, 18 psychology programs

Johns Hopkins University - Psychology School Ranking
Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD, 21 psychology programs

Cornell University - Psychology School Ranking
Cornell University

Ithaca, NY, 9 psychology programs

Tufts University - Psychology School Ranking
Tufts University

Medford, MA, 12 psychology programs

Wesleyan University - Psychology School Ranking
Wesleyan University

Middletown, CT, 6 psychology programs

New York University - Psychology School Ranking
New York University

New York City, NY, 16 psychology programs

Northeastern University - Psychology School Ranking
Northeastern University

Boston, MA, 16 psychology programs

Georgetown University - Psychology School Ranking
Georgetown University

Washington, DC, 4 psychology programs

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